The Fat Woman Mystery

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mehr Roman als Krimi- weniger spannend als erwartet, aber mit Charme

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Margaret Henze O'Brian, a widow, lives in a small Iowa town, in a big old house, with her cat Ruby. She considers herself half German and half Conehead. German, because that's her heritage, and Conehead because of her mass consumption of calories. The Fit Girls, Margaret's diet support group, think her recent weight gain is the result of depression over her husband, Harry's, death. Margaret thinks they're wrong, she's fine, "Just fine, thank you" Margaret has more than her diet to think of after she stumbles over a body, and a friend is accused of murder. In trying to clear her friend of the crime, Margaret finds a lot more than rice cakes on her plate. Not wanting to be left out of the excitement the Fit Girls join Margaret in her attempt to solve the crime, and are soon immersed in small town scandal, gossip, and mystery. Creeping through corn fields, window peeking, and tailing suspects may be more than the average reader of 'Modern Maturity' magazine deem proper, but Margaret finds it exhilarating. And when two handsome men seem interested in her ample body, life is suddenly fascinating. Now if only Margaret can stay alive long enough to enjoy this new lease on life.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:276 Seiten
Verlag:Tuxedo Press

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