New York, Actually: A sparkling romantic comedy from the bestselling Queen of Romance

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Cover des Buches New York, Actually: A sparkling romantic comedy from the bestselling Queen of Romance (ISBN: 9781474057585)
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'Everything a romantic novel should be - an absolute delight.’ - Veronica Henry Meet Molly New York’s most famous agony aunt, she considers herself an expert at relationships…as long as they’re other people’s. The only love of her life is her Dalmatian, Valentine. Meet Daniel A cynical divorce lawyer, he’s hardwired to think relationships are a bad idea. If you don’t get involved, no-one can get hurt. But then he finds himself borrowing a dog to meet the gorgeous woman he sees running in Central Park every morning… Molly and Daniel think they know everything there is to know about relationships…until they meet each other that is… 'Wonderfully romantic and sumptuously atmospheric.’ -Alex Brown, author of The Secret Orchard Cottage


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Umfang:297 Seiten

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