Problem Dogs and Their TherapyOr a Puristic Socialization Method of So-Called Behaviorally Conspicuous Dogs
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Books about the socialization of the dog have always been written from the perspective of humans who believe they understand me and my world. I have the courage to do it in this book instead from my perspective, from the perspective of a dog, because I am sure that I will understand my world better.
Before the dog trainer Sascha Bartz socialized me, I was a socially incompatible "leash aggressor", as my master used to express himself. My constant tugging at the leash or the annoying barking were only two of the harmless behaviors that made every attempt to take a relaxed walk end in disaster. Biting attacks and even assaults on children were my fault, which is why the veterinary office had already kept an eye on me.
In this book I explain the reasons for this behavior and the theoretical approach of a puristic socialization method that leads to success in the short term if the dog owners are well compliant. To understand the theoretical approach, however, it is necessary to understand the difference between education and socialization. Because ignoring them is the source of failure.
Before the dog trainer Sascha Bartz socialized me, I was a socially incompatible "leash aggressor", as my master used to express himself. My constant tugging at the leash or the annoying barking were only two of the harmless behaviors that made every attempt to take a relaxed walk end in disaster. Biting attacks and even assaults on children were my fault, which is why the veterinary office had already kept an eye on me.
In this book I explain the reasons for this behavior and the theoretical approach of a puristic socialization method that leads to success in the short term if the dog owners are well compliant. To understand the theoretical approach, however, it is necessary to understand the difference between education and socialization. Because ignoring them is the source of failure.