Scarlett Peckham

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Cover des Buches The Earl I Ruined (The Secrets of Charlotte Street Book 2) (ISBN: 9781641970570)

Rezension zu "The Earl I Ruined (The Secrets of Charlotte Street Book 2)" von Scarlett Peckham

Dramatic, erotic and emotional
Ein LovelyBooks-Nutzervor 6 Jahren

Right from the start I adored the style of writing. The story takes place in the 18th century. Naturally, the language used is slightly different. The author managed to find the right mix between marking the different time period but still maintaining some features of the present time. It made connecting with characters and the plot quite easy.
The love story has been amazing. Very dramatic, scandalious and full of misunderstandings and hurt feelings to the point where I wanted to shake them both. Of course, with this kind of story, you know how it's going to end. The way there was the interesting part, especially discovering the characters' secrets as well as their shared past. There is a deepness to uncover I never thought to find.
Rather detailed erotic scenes are presented, too. For most of the time they don't overshadow the plot. Towards the end I think these part could have been shortened. I felt like the story was finished then and only unneccessarily dragged on.

All an all, this has been a lovely love story to read. I'd recommend it to those who like romance novels with a historical setting but who don't mind that there is not too much historical information conveyed.

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