Sean Ziethen


I’m Sean Ziethen, your friendly neighborhood Freelance Visual Development Artist and 2D Designer, calling Bonn, Germany, home. My journey into the world of visual arts began at the DHBW Ravensburg, where I studied Media Design. After honing my skills, I took a leap into the fast-paced realm of public relations, spending years at one of Germany’s premier PR agencies as a Motion Designer and Concept Artist. Despite the success in the corporate arena, my heart longed for a deeper dive into the artistic realms of film and gaming. Fueled by passion, I bid farewell to my corporate role, choosing to pursue my dream in the expressive and imaginative landscapes of the film and game industry. Since October 2019, I’ve been immersed in captivating projects, contributing to major film productions, music videos, advertising campaigns, and press conferences. My focus on Storyboarding, Background Art, Environment, and Character Design allows me to infuse every stroke with passion and creativity. Over the years, I’ve garnered the trust of renowned film productions and agencies, undertaking ambitious projects for clients like Mercedes-Benz, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Deichmann, Telekom, Rewe, Digital X, Skoda, MAN Trucks & Busses, Expo Dubai, and more. I invite you to join me on this creative odyssey, where each project becomes a canvas for imagination. Whether it’s crafting compelling storyboards or breathing life into characters, let’s collaborate to transform your ideas into visually stunning realities.

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

Alle Bücher von Sean Ziethen

Cover des Buches Das Nilpferd auf dem Rücksitz (ISBN: 9783946301042)

Das Nilpferd auf dem Rücksitz

Erschienen am 22.01.2024

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