RYLEE (The Rylee Adamson Epilogues Book 1)

Cover des Buches RYLEE (The Rylee Adamson Epilogues Book 1) (ISBN: 9781987933154)
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My name is Rylee and I was a Tracker. The final battle is over and The Blood of the Lost was spilled. In the aftermath, the humans still have mysteries they call upon me for. Except I can no longer Track, and my new abilities terrify me. A salvage is offered to me, and with it a chance to redeem myself. A missing girl, her brother desperate to find her. Simple and straightforward, this salvage should be a piece of cake - and a chance to learn some discipline with my powers. Except the girl is somehow tied to the world of the Elementals, and with that comes a danger I could never have expected. As I search for her, I realize it is not only her life that is on the line, but my soul and sanity as well, as the voices and unnatural needs in me grow more demanding. If I am to save us both, I must face the darkness within; and this time, I must do it all by myself.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:222 Seiten
Verlag:Hijinks Ink Publishing

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