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Kurzweiliger Thriller voller Twists und Überraschungen. Etwas unrealistisch aber er macht irgendwie Spaß

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There are three sides to every story: Yours. Mine. And the truth… Max and Alissa have a fairy tale life—newlywed, madly in love and enviously rich. Then Max is brutally stabbed to death at their home and Alissa, miraculously, escapes with her life. But why was she spared? The hunt for the killer begins, uncovering a number of leads—was Max’s incredible wealth the motive? Had his shady business practices finally caught up with him? Or was it a stalker with a dangerous obsession? Devoted friends rally around gentle, sweet Alissa as she is left to mourn the loss of her husband and pick up her life. But not everyone is who they seem…Deep-rooted jealousies, secrets and twisted love lie just beneath the surface, and not all fairy tales have a happy ending. Duplicity is a suspenseful thriller from the bestselling author of Look Behind You and Where the Memories Lie.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:316 Seiten
Verlag:Thomas & Mercer

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