Sophie Mackintosh

 3,2 Sterne bei 6 Bewertungen

Alle Bücher von Sophie Mackintosh

Cover des Buches Cursed Bread (ISBN: 9780241539613)

Cursed Bread

Erschienen am 02.03.2023
Cover des Buches Blue Ticket (ISBN: 9780385545631)

Blue Ticket

Erschienen am 30.06.2020

Neue Rezensionen zu Sophie Mackintosh

Ein tolles Buch!

This is a dystopian story unlike any other I have read before. 

It was an uncomfortable read and the main characters conveyed a painful level of trauma endured at the hands of their parents. That aspect of being completely at another person's mercy and the fact that the three sisters were trapped by an arbitrary set of rules and confined within a claustrophobic setting was rendered powerfully and I thought the language was perfectly nuanced and gripping throughout! 

Otherworldly, haunting and unsparing.

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