BY Abbey, Sparkle ( Author ) [ FIFTY SHADES OF GREYHOUND ] May-2014 [ Paperback ]
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"Fifty Shades of Greyhound gives 'roll over and play dead' a whole new meaning!" -Ethel Merman & Ella Fitzgerald, canine companions to award-winning author, Holly Jacobs It was a killer party. Caro Lamont, Laguna Beach's favorite pet therapist, is thrilled to support the elite fundraising gala for Greys Matter, a SoCal greyhound rescue group. All the guests in the couture-attired crowd are clad in varying shades of grey, the champagne and donations are flowing, and there are fifty gorgeous greyhounds in attendance. But before the evening ends, a stranger in their midst is dead. Caro sets out to help the rescue group find the identity of the mystery guest but soon finds herself in the doghouse with homicide detective, Judd Malone-oh, and federal agent, John Milner. When there's a second death, Caro is convinced she's on the track of someone who wants a secret to stay buried, but it's a race to see whether Caro can uncover the truth before the killer decides she's next.