Svend Buhl
Autor*in von For A Fistful of Rocks - Arid Zone Meteorite Prospection.
Dr. Svend Buhl is a desert enthusiast and meteorite recovery expert. In 2002, he formed Meteorite-Recon, an international team to undertake a meteorite expedition into the Ténéré desert in the Republic of Niger. A dozen field trips followed, the majority on the African continent to the central and Western Sahara. Today, more than 300 meteorites found by Buhl and team have been analyzed, classified and published. Buhl has authored the book Henbury Craters and Meteorites, and several research papers on aspects of meteoritics. His website features a wealth of meteorite resources and documentaries. He is a member of the Meteoritical Society, fellow of the Confrerie St-Georges des Gardiens de la Meteorite d‘Ensisheim and a founding member of the Mauritanian Meteorite Society. In his civil life, Buhl is a crisis communications and public affairs specialist based near Hamburg, Germany.
Quelle: Verlag / vlb
Alle Bücher von Svend Buhl
For A Fistful of Rocks - Arid Zone Meteorite Prospection
Erschienen am 07.06.2019
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