nofilterPioneering the dream – raw, real & relatable

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Don’t we all like to scroll through the "highlight reels" of people’s lives we often don’t even know? Filters hide flaws and shortcomings and make us lose connection to the raw, the real and the relatable. In #nofilter Tabea Oppliger shows that pioneering a dream involves blood, sweat and tears and that #nofilter is not just a hashtag, but a lifestyle and a calling.

Written straight from her life in Tel Aviv, Israel, a melting pot of different cultures, she tells of her relentless commitment to helping exploited people with her social business "KitePride" and her non-profit organization "GlowbalAct". With each line of this book you will not only be inspired but challenged to become active yourself, to discover your own unique gift and simply to begin with what is in your hands; making hashtags and dreams your reality.

"Don’t wait until you’re ready. You’ll be waiting for the rest of your life." - Tabea Oppliger

Tabea Oppliger grew up in Papua New Guinea, the daughter of a Swiss couple. Tabea then lived in Switzerland for twenty years for education and professional reasons. There she married Matthias and became the mother of three children. In her tireless pursuit of justice and freedom, Tabea founded "GlowbalAct", a charitable organization dedicated to the abolition of modern-day slavery. Since 2014, she and her family have lived in Tel Aviv, Israel, leading their social start-up business "KitePride".


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Umfang:208 Seiten

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