When She Was Bad

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Mona_Lisa_s avatar
vor 8 Jahren

Ein packender Psychothriller, der keinen Stein auf dem anderen läßt. Spannend bis zur letzten Seite.

Cambridges avatar
vor 8 Jahren

Sehr spannender und düsterer Psycho-Thriller

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'A fresh, clever psychological thriller with toxic characters you'll love to hate. I loved it!' CLARE MACKINTOSH 'Takes the ordinary and twists it until the sense of danger is utterly overwhelming. Tammy Cohen is rapidly becoming one of my favourite authors' EMMA KAVANAGH 'I was on the edge of my seat. Psychological thrillers don't get much better than this!' C L TAYLOR 'Truly terrifying' RUTH WARE 'A taut, immensely readable thriller that kept me guessing right to the end. I love Tammy's books and this one certainly doesn't disappoint.' LOUISE VOSS One of the Daily Mail's BIGGEST SELLING bookclub authors YOU SEE THE PEOPLE YOU WORK WITH EVERY DAY. BUT WHAT CAN'T YOU SEE? Amira, Sarah, Paula, Ewan and Charlie have worked together for years - they know how each one likes their coffee, whose love life is a mess, whose children keep them up at night. But their comfortable routine life is suddenly shattered when an aggressive new boss walks in .... Now, there's something chilling in the air. Who secretly hates everyone? Who is tortured by their past? Who is capable of murder?


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:400 Seiten
Verlag:Transworld Digital

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