Broken Bridges (English Edition)A Slow Burn Rockstar Romance (The Flintlocks Series Book 2)

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He's lost his band, his lover and his grandfather - the friends and family who'd accepted his lifestyle choices.
She's lost her career, the love of her life and after a freak accident has to accept she'll never be the same.

A chance audition for The Flintlocks could change his life.
A move across the country could be the fresh start he needs.

She needs to find her way in the world again.
But she's stuck in a new TV a city that she never wanted to return to.

When these two broken souls meet, will they cause more havoc to their damaged hearts? Oh...hell yeah!

This is a love-is-love, gay-to-bisexual romance. The majority of the story is a MF banter-filled, angsty, steamy, sexy heart-wrenching rock star romance. If you can't handle intense emotion with all the feel this book may not be for you.


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Umfang:428 Seiten

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Band 2 der Reihe "The Flintlocks Series (English Edition)"

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