Dangerous Acquisitions (English Edition)A steamy enemies-to-lovers workplace romance. (Strictly Business Book 2)

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A short term project, that's all it was meant to be.

Troy Smith is the newest partner at the most exclusive boutique winery in the Hunter Valley. After losing his wife and failing to ignite sparks with an old flame, he’s determined to make his new business venture thrive.

But when he helps a stranded, mysterious stranger from her broken down car, he never expected to spend the night in her hotel bed.

Kelleigh Johnstone needed a new start after her ex took off, leaving her only with debt and a ton of heartache. When an interstate project to oversee the development for a new golf resort arises, she jumped at the opportunity.

But at the first meeting, she never expected to see Troy sitting on the other side of the boardroom table – the man she just had between her sheets. The man hellbent on stopping her project.

As they clash over the development, the fire between them grows hotter. Their encounters steamier by the second. If the development fails, Kelleigh will lose the job she desperately needs. If Troy fails, he loses his livelihood.

As corporate secrets are uncovered, will these enemies be able to work together to bring a huge corporation down or will they destroy each other in the process?


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Umfang:231 Seiten

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Band 2 der Reihe "Strictly Business (English Edition)"

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