Distractions (English Edition)A sweet but steamy college romance
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He was the hot, new guy at college. He had bad boy written all over him.
Trouble lurked in the depths of his stunning eyes.
I was a smart girl. I should stay away.
With my dream internship at my fingertips, I needed to keep my head in the books, my GPA on track and my focus on my last year at university . . . not on Cameron Wilks.
He seemed to have too many secrets. We all did.
But I was drawn to him in irrevocable ways.
Drawn into his world, his bed.
With my future uncertain, will he leave me in ruins, or has he set me on a path I never saw coming?
If you enjoy steamy college romances, full of angst, witty banter and emotional twists, you’ll love this fast-paced page-turner.
Trouble lurked in the depths of his stunning eyes.
I was a smart girl. I should stay away.
With my dream internship at my fingertips, I needed to keep my head in the books, my GPA on track and my focus on my last year at university . . . not on Cameron Wilks.
He seemed to have too many secrets. We all did.
But I was drawn to him in irrevocable ways.
Drawn into his world, his bed.
With my future uncertain, will he leave me in ruins, or has he set me on a path I never saw coming?
If you enjoy steamy college romances, full of angst, witty banter and emotional twists, you’ll love this fast-paced page-turner.