Everhide Rockstar Romance Series: Bundle Boxset Books 1-3 (English Edition)

Cover des Buches Everhide Rockstar Romance Series: Bundle Boxset Books 1-3 (English Edition) (ISBN: B08RNVYP6J)
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Are you ready to lose your heart to Everhide?
One band. Three friends. More than hearts will break on their journey to find the one.
Be prepared...These are powerful, heart wrenching romances.
If you like emotional stories with flawed heroes, feisty women, steamy lovin' and you aren’t afraid to shed the odd tear - you'll love the Everhide Rockstar Romance Series.

Boxset includes:
1. RIPPED - The Price o f Loyalty: The only thing Kyle loves more than music is Gemma. Problem was she loved his best friend. Torn between love and loyalty, what sacrifice will he make? An epic rockstar best friends to lovers romance.

2. RUINED - The Price of Play: Hunter's a rock star. Kara's an uptown girl. A baby wasn't part of the plan. Time doesn't always play nice. RUINED is an emotional, heart-wrenching accidental pregnancy romance with a twist. Prepare to ugly cry.

3. RAPT - The Price of Love: Today Kyle was supposed to marry the girl of his dreams, she didn't turn up. A gripping rockstar romantic suspense that will have you on the edge of your seat. If you love books that pull on the heartstrings, start reading today. Grab your copy now.

Book 0.5: ROCKED - The Price of Dreams (Prequel)
Book 4: REGRET - The Price of Truth
Book 5: REWIND - The Price of Fate
Book 6: RETUNED - The Price of Time


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Umfang:1016 Seiten

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