New York Smexy - The Gut & The Kiss

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Love and Luxury, Money and Culture always try to find their way to You. Please, be patient and give them a Chance.

Dear Reader!

This is a story about how I meet My Lady Victoria June in New York City while making my Book Towns Group business. Just one a kiss, and the world has a different color. Especially in Brooklyn. Nahmean, the cool points are outto window and I´m all twisted up in the game. Our Romantic path is filled with noice bankers, gunrunners from Straight Cash/Get Gwop like gangs, the Bonanno, and other mobs, gr8 businessmen, the real Brooklyn sunshine. I, the deep Brooklyner, make deals and take my love, Victoria, and our dancers and singers, to the old continent. And we find a great connection with bootiful Europe and the swell U.S.

If You need a book of love and hard action, at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, this is for You.
yours Tapio Tiihonen


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:436 Seiten
Verlag:BoD – Books on Demand – Finnland

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