Teddy Crispin
In 1989, Teddy Crispin was awarded the "Media Award in Your Country" by the International Union of the Catholic Press, in Bavaria in Germany. "My name is Teddy Crispin, as we all know, Teddy comes from the Greek "Theodoros" which means "A Gift from God", and Crispin is the name of the Patron Saints of shoemakers and leather workers: Saint Crispin and Saint Crispinian. So I was blessed from birth, with a beautiful and meaningful name, like every Teddy and Theodore and Crispin around the world. As far as I remember, I was surrounded by books and education, my aunt Françoise was a school director, and during my vacational stay with her in the countryside, I came across all the new school books that she had, and realizing today, how blessed I was, to have been living in such a blessed environment, that built the man that I am today. As for writing and reading, I have always loved to read and write, my home was filled with books for us, that way, I came across Albertine Sarrazin's "L'Astragale", Albert Camus' "L'Etranger", Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Niggers", Franz Fanon's "Peau Noire, Masques Blancs", Daphne du Maurier's "We'll Never Be Young Again", ... So, a special thank you to all those who contributed to what I am today. During my adolescence, I was fascinated by the poetry of Saint-John Perse. In 1985, Teddy Crispin was present at the "Forum of Young Creators" in the "Poetry" category, an event organized by the French Information and Documentation Center for Youth: CIDJ. In 1988, Teddy Crispin was in the French Army where I was an "Opérateur Centraliste", and even ended up with the accolade of First Class Soldier. In 1989, Teddy Crispin was awarded the "Media Award in Your Country" by the International Union of the Catholic Press, in Bavaria in Germany. Meeting all those young people and young catholic journalists there, from all over the world, is a high point of Teddy Crispin's life, he will never forget." © 2018 Teddy Crispin
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