Savage Hunger (Heart of the Jaguar)

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USA Today bestselling author Terry Spear has captured hearts worldwide by wrapping the realities of nature into the glorious romance of the wild. Now, she turns her award-winning imagination from the sexy werewolf hunt to the intense sizzle of jaguar shape-shifters. As a jaguar he is graceful and gorgeous... Speedy and stealthy... Fierce, independent, and wild... As a man he is passionate and powerful... Willful and wonderful... And he'll stop at nothing to protect what's his... Praise for Dreaming of the Wolf: "Fascinating and action-packed."-RT Book Reviews, 4 Stars "Sizzling with passion, sexual tension, and page-turning suspense."-Bookloons Praise for Wolf Fever: "Sensual, passionate, and very well written."-Long and Short Reviews "Terry Spear knows exactly how to extract emotions from her readers...and keep them riveted."-Love Romance Passion


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:352 Seiten
Verlag:Sourcebooks Casablanca

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