Effi Briest - in simple languagebased on plain language

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Effi Briest - in simple language, based on easy language by Theodor Fontane

Theodor Fontane's best-known novel is published in simple language for the first time.
It largely complies with the ISO 24495-1:2023 standard.
We have also largely adapted it for plain language.
The content is also typographically designed to be particularly reader-friendly.
The book is suitable for readers with limited reading ability, English as a second language or with cognitive impairments.
This means that as many people as possible can enjoy reading and understanding one of Germany's most famous novels.

aibo publishing produces the World Literature series in simple and plain language.
The first publications generated a media response across Europe, including in the FAZ and The Times London, and, according to the NZZ, triggered a “culture war”.

"Effi Briest" is about love and freedom. A young woman is married at an early age. She is torn between her feelings and the strict rules of society. Her curiosity and zest for life are her destiny. She is caught between two men. They fight a duel. This is no longer in keeping with the times. But they don‘t know better.

The novel is set in 19th century Germany. It can be compared to the Russian novel "Anna Karenina" or the French "Madame Bovary". "Effi Briest" became world-famous and was often made into a film. Theodor Fontane is considered a representative of poetic realism.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Verlag:aibo publishing
Altersempfehlung:ab 12 Jahre
Das aktuelle Buch ist am 01.06.2024 bei aibo publishing erschienen.

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