The Scattered and the Dead (Book 1): Post Apocalyptic Fiction
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The first book in the series readers are comparing to Stephen King's The Stand. Over 600 pages of post-apocalyptic survival. With 99.7% of the Earth's population dead and gone, the few who remain struggle to survive in an empty world. The scattered. The leftovers. These are their stories. Meet Mitch, a father infected with the zombie virus. He knows he has 24 hours until he turns. Maybe a little more if he's lucky. He's been a half-assed father. Checked out. Distracted. Can he find a path to redemption in his final hours? Can he make sure his kids are taken care of before time runs out? Meet Travis, a 23 year old wimp who ran away as his parents were murdered by raiders. Now he surrounds himself with towers of scavenged booze and prescription pills. He only wants to numb the pain. Then he comes upon the men who killed his family. Now he has a choice. Meet Erin, a 16 year old girl taking care of an 8 year old orphan. Six months ago she was worried about prom. Now she worries about zombies and raiders and feeding a little girl. Meet Teddy. Meet Baghead and Delfino. Meet Rex and Ray and Lorraine. Meet the utterly lost who look for meaning in humanity's fading glow.