Tim Meyer

 3 Sterne bei 1 Bewertungen

Alle Bücher von Tim Meyer

Cover des Buches Wormwood (ISBN: 9781951043223)


Erschienen am 15.12.2020
Cover des Buches The Switch House: A Short Novel (ISBN: 9781732399303)

The Switch House: A Short Novel

Erschienen am 05.07.2018
Cover des Buches Sharkwater Beach (English Edition) (ISBN: B071F3JR8R)

Sharkwater Beach (English Edition)

Erschienen am 10.05.2017

Neue Rezensionen zu Tim Meyer

Cover des Buches Wormwood (ISBN: 9781951043223)

Rezension zu "Wormwood" von Chad Lutzke

Bad things happen at Wormwood

The main storyline is about a teenaged boy moving to a new town and falling in with the wrong friends who manipulate him into doing things that are just not good. And while he constantly battles an inner struggle, knowing that what they do is not OK, he is not able to stay away, because that would also mean losing the only friends he's got now - and his first love. Thus, the stage is set for a horrible drama to unfold, leading to a finale where the boy has to make a severe choice which will define who he is and who he will become.

One detail I loved in this book were the titles of the chapters, announcing the chapter plays xx numbers of days ago, thus building a great amount of suspense and curiosity towards the oncoming 'now'. While it is mostly typical for a story to build tension towards a finale at the end, here I read a constant reminder that I was nearing some unavoidable outcome - and with each chapter I realized it would be very bad.

'Wormwood' is the result of a collaboration of two equally talented authors, bringing together the best of two worlds in a most formidable book.

Cover des Buches The Switch House: A Short Novel (ISBN: 9781732399303)

Rezension zu "The Switch House: A Short Novel" von Tim Meyer

Unique plot

This was a very unique story concept, mixing the familiar haunted house setting with very modern aspects (the switch house project/TV show). I was skeptic if it could work, but the author managed to create a suspenseful and convincing story.

What bothered me but at the same time kept me reading on was that I could never be sure about Angela's role in all of it, which remained unclear or rather switched between 'good and evil' right until the end. The author played some nice tricks on my perception, and every time I thought I had figured it out, a couple of pages later I was proven wrong. Though a number of questions remained unanswered, this was a very entertaining and suspenseful variation of the theme.

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in 2 Bibliotheken

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