Sexualität und FamilieMöglichkeiten sexueller Bildung im Rahmen erzieherischer Hilfen
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Obwohl sexuelle Themen ein wichtiger Bestandteil der sozialpädagogischen Familienberatung und der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe sind, gibt es nur wenige Veröffentlichungen zum Thema. Auch in der konkreten Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit sind theoretische Konzepte für sexuelle Bildung und Beratung ungenügend verankert. Dieser Lücke wendet sich der vorliegende Band zu: Ausgehend von der Studie »Partner 4« zu Jugendsexualität liefert er nicht nur allgemeine Anregungen für die Beratungspraxis, sondern unterbreitet auch Vorschläge für Konzepte, die den diversen und komplexen Lebenslagen der Kinder und Jugendlichen Rechnung tragen. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Sozialisationsinstanz Familie.
Sexuality and Family: Possibilities of Sexual Education within the Framework of Child and Youth Care Services
Although sexual issues are an important part of social pedagogical family counseling and child and youth care services, there are few publications on the subject. Also, theoretical approaches to sexual education and counseling often lack sufficient anchorage in the concrete practice of social work. This book wants to close the gap: Based on the »Partner 4« study on youth sexuality, it not only provides general suggestions for counseling but also makes proposals for concepts that take account of the diverse and complex situations of children and adolescents while focusing on the family as an instance of socialization.
Sexuality and Family: Possibilities of Sexual Education within the Framework of Child and Youth Care Services
Although sexual issues are an important part of social pedagogical family counseling and child and youth care services, there are few publications on the subject. Also, theoretical approaches to sexual education and counseling often lack sufficient anchorage in the concrete practice of social work. This book wants to close the gap: Based on the »Partner 4« study on youth sexuality, it not only provides general suggestions for counseling but also makes proposals for concepts that take account of the diverse and complex situations of children and adolescents while focusing on the family as an instance of socialization.