Harbinger: The Downfall - Book One
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Award winning author Travis I. Sivart joins the ranks of George RR Martin, Robert Jordan, and JRR Tolkein with his first epic fantasy novel.
A young man with a mysterious past joins a weathered and wizened slave lord in a quest to find a key to gain entry to a castle built by a god. Along the way they gather a rag tag bunch; a lady-pirate captain who controls the very elements around her; a priest who is driven by loss of faith and family; and a young ruffian who is just in it for the thrill.
Together they struggle to survive as they try to reach their goal before the magics of the comet that splits the sky awakens hordes of mutant insects, a necromancer raises his undead army, or a mad Aeifain turns the remaining Dasism into a force set on the genocide of every other race on Tuerone.
Here's what others have said about Harbinger:
“Travis has created a world with its own rich cultures, societies, and rules of magic and mayhem. In the tradition of Hicks and Weisman’s “Chronicles” trilogy, I have a feeling things in the world of “The Harbinger” will get far worse before they get better… and with Travis’s writing, that’s usually a gruesomely good thing.”
Wendy Callahan, Author of Aetheric Artifacts Series
“One is totally immersed in the world created by the author. Just enough detail is given to create the world in ones mind’s eye without a yawn. I read it with much enthusiasm and look forward to the next. I hope that there will be many to follow and that this will be a series that will adorn my shelves alongside my Robert Jordan and Terry Brooks collections.”
Ed, Kindle Reviewer
“Fabulous world building, great villains, and excellent action sequences.”
Aaron Kennedy, Author of Ships of Valor Series
A young man with a mysterious past joins a weathered and wizened slave lord in a quest to find a key to gain entry to a castle built by a god. Along the way they gather a rag tag bunch; a lady-pirate captain who controls the very elements around her; a priest who is driven by loss of faith and family; and a young ruffian who is just in it for the thrill.
Together they struggle to survive as they try to reach their goal before the magics of the comet that splits the sky awakens hordes of mutant insects, a necromancer raises his undead army, or a mad Aeifain turns the remaining Dasism into a force set on the genocide of every other race on Tuerone.
Here's what others have said about Harbinger:
“Travis has created a world with its own rich cultures, societies, and rules of magic and mayhem. In the tradition of Hicks and Weisman’s “Chronicles” trilogy, I have a feeling things in the world of “The Harbinger” will get far worse before they get better… and with Travis’s writing, that’s usually a gruesomely good thing.”
Wendy Callahan, Author of Aetheric Artifacts Series
“One is totally immersed in the world created by the author. Just enough detail is given to create the world in ones mind’s eye without a yawn. I read it with much enthusiasm and look forward to the next. I hope that there will be many to follow and that this will be a series that will adorn my shelves alongside my Robert Jordan and Terry Brooks collections.”
Ed, Kindle Reviewer
“Fabulous world building, great villains, and excellent action sequences.”
Aaron Kennedy, Author of Ships of Valor Series