A Christmas Memory
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Truman Capote lässt uns in seine Seele blicken, in seine Kindheit und macht dies wie immer, ganz bravorös. Seine Sprache ist einfach toll.
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Truman Capote's boyhood Christmas memoir, rereleased with a beautiful new packaging. The classic story of Truman Capote's childhood Christmas ritual is more endearing than ever in this newly redesigned package. In celebration of A Christmas Memory's enduring appeal, this repackaged edition retains Beth Peck's evocative watercolors and Capote's original text. First published in 1956, this is the story from Capote's childhood of lovingly making fruitcakes from scratch at Christmas-time with his elderly cousin, and has stood the test of time to become known as an American holiday classic.
Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:48 Seiten
Verlag:Knopf Books for Young Readers