Silver Heart

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There comes a moment in everyone's life when they must decide which road leads to personal happiness. For Dylan Silver, this is that moment... For the past twenty-two-years, Dylan has been living in her parents' carefully crafted world, always putting her own dreams on hold to play the role of a dutiful daughter. So when her best friend coaxes her into a winter getaway to a mountain cabin, she sees it as a chance to forget about the responsibilities waiting for her at home. At least for a little while. But then her past catches up to her--in the form of sexy snowboarder, Sawyer Carter. Six years ago, Dylan bid goodbye to the only boy she ever truly loved. Now he's standing right in front of her, bringing up bittersweet memories and igniting suppressed desires as he dares her to be the person she has always wanted to be. Dylan and Sawyer's unexpected meeting is a second chance, but will a girl who doesn't believe in fate and taking risks be able to overcome her fears of losing control and finally embrace the life she desperately wants? Only one thing is certain: after a week in Whistler, Dylan's world will never be the same.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:223 Seiten

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