Victoria Thompson

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Autor*in von Mord in Greenwich Village, Mord auf Coney Island und weiteren Büchern.

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Cover des Buches Murder on St. Nicholas Avenue: A Gaslight Mystery by Victoria Thompson (2016-04-06) (ISBN: B01K962G60)
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Rezension zu "Murder on St. Nicholas Avenue: A Gaslight Mystery by Victoria Thompson (2016-04-06)" von Victoria Thompson

Murder on St. Nicholas Avenue - #18 in the Gaslight Mystery Series
Rinnerlvor 6 Jahren

Sarah und Frank genießen ihre Flitterwochen in Europa, während Maeve und Mrs. Malloy im neuen Haus in der Bank Street zusammen mit den Kindern die Stellung halten. 

Gestört wird die Ruhe, als eines morgens eine ehemalige Nachbarin der Malloys – Mrs. O’Neill – vollkommen verzweifelt vor der Tür steht um Frank um Hilfe für ihre Tochter zu bitten.  Una wird beschuldigt ihren Ehemann erschlagen zu haben und sitzt jetzt im Stadtgefängnis. 

Da die Rückkehr der Neuvermählten noch dauern kann und sie es nicht übers Herz bringt der verzweifelten Frau die Tür zu weisen, nimmt Maeve sich der Sache an. 

Schnell erweist sich der Fall als deutlich verzwickter, als es zunächst den Anschein hatte und nicht nur der zuverlässige Officer Gino Donatelli bietet seine Hilfe an. 
Es ist keine große Überraschung, dass Sarahs Mutter, Elisabeth Decker, nur allzu gern bereit ist sich als Hobbydetektivin zu versuchen aber sehr wohl überraschend ist es, dass ihr Mann Felix sich innerhalb kürzester Zeit ebenfalls als Ermittler an der Lösung des Falls beteiligt.

Gaslight-Mystery ohne Sarah und Frank? Anfangs für mich kaum vorstellbar, aber Victoria Thompson hat es geschafft auch ohne die eigentlichen Hauptfiguren einen spannenden und unterhaltsamen Fall zu Papier zu bringen. 
Mir hat das Buch richtig gut gefallen, gerade weil die Handlung dieses mal ohne die eigentlichen Protagonisten auskommen musste und stattdessen Maeve, Gino und die Deckers!! verantwortlich sind für die Aufklärung des ihnen übertragenen Falles. 

Felix Decker ist mir geradezu ans Herz gewachsen (wer hätte das gedacht) und auch die gestrenge Mrs. Malloy scheint allmählich einen klitzekleinen weichen Kern zu entwickeln. Für mich ist dieses Buch ein Gewinn für die ganze Serie, weil hier sehr geschickt die Gelegenheit genutzt wird bekannten Figuren, die zwar immer präsent sind aber doch eher an Rande vorkommen, einen viel größeren Rahmen zu bieten um sich zu entfalten. 

Cover des Buches Murder on Fifth Avenue (ISBN: 9780425247419)
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Rezension zu "Murder on Fifth Avenue" von Victoria Thompson

"Murder on Fifth Avenue" - # 14 Gaslight Mystery Series by Victoria Thompson
Rinnerlvor 10 Jahren

Detective Sergeant Frank Malloy is busy investigating a warehouse theft, when he is summoned by no other than Mr. Felix Decker, one of the richest and most powerful men in New York. Of course, disobeying the summons is not an option, so Frank meets the man, like requested, at the noble Knickerbocker Club. A member of the exclusive gentlemen’s club, Mr. Chilton Devries, was found dead in the library and Mr. Decker want’s the situation handled efficiently and of course discreetly. The fact, that Frank has absolutely no idea if Decker really wants the case solved or not is not exactly helping matters.

Midwife Sarah Brandt is more than just a little bit surprised when her father shows up at her home to ask her, if she is willing to accompany her mother to the family of the recently deceased for a condolence call and to see if she can learn something useful. There are a lot of things, especially in high society circles, that a policeman, even a competent one like Malloy, will never be able to find out. 

Once in her life, Sarah is actually happy to obey her fathers wishes. 

Meanwhile, Mrs. Decker is very pleased to hear, that her husband has arranged for Detective Frank Malloy to investigate the case. Even more so, because with Malloy in charge and her daughter as company, she herself gets another shot at sleuthing. Also, Elisabeth Decker is positive that her husband has more reasons than the obvious ones to put Detective Malloy to the test, so to speak.

Between them, it doesn’t take long to determine, that the dead man will be neither missed nor mourned. At all. Not even his family seems overly upset about his untimely death, rather the contrary. Some of them seem to be glad, if not to say pleased, to be rid of Chilton Devries for good. Question is, who had the strongest motive, means and the balls to go through with killing him.
And even if they can single out the culprit, what are Felix Deckers plans with that information?

“Murder on Fifth Avenue” is the fourteenth book in Victoria Thompsons “Gaslight Mystery Series” and it’s just as brilliant as the 13 books before. This is the only series I’ve ever read where I happily give five+ stars for every single book without a moments hesitation.

The cases are interesting, exiting and fit right into the late-ish eighteen hundreds with all the problems and obstacles an irish-catholic copper and a widowed midwife are likely to encounter.

Victoria Thompson allows all of her characters to develop over time to build their personalities in a realistic and believable manner and to form relationships in exact the right pace. 

I had a problem with Sarah’s father in the first few books. His snobbish and small minded opinions and his attitude towards his daughter really had my hackles up, but he has come a really long way and I must say, as of now, I’m quite fond of him. 

The next novel, “Murder in Chelsea” is already on my bookshelf :)

Cover des Buches Murder on Fifth Avenue (ISBN: 9780425247419)
Valkyrie Kanes avatar

Rezension zu "Murder on Fifth Avenue" von Victoria Thompson

Murder on Fifth Avenue - Victoria Thompson
Valkyrie Kanevor 10 Jahren

I usually save the Gaslight Mysteries for whenever I either hit a drought book-wise, or couldn’t be bothered reading for a while, OR just want to read a book I already know is great.

It really is that simple.

After thirteen books it’s like coming home.

I know the characters, I know it’s going to be intriguing and I know probably everybody is going to get what they deserve at the end.

So far I haven’t been disappointed.

“Murder on Fifth Avenue” deals with Frank being hired by Sarah’s father to investigate the murder of one of his club mates, and even Sarah’s mother can’t help but assume that it’s some kind of “test” her husband set up for our favourite Irish-American detective. Fully knowing that the rich and mighty of New York usually don’t want to know the truth as long as SOMEONE is convicted for a crime – preferably someone from the working class – Frank does his best to find out who REALLY did it – and then to let Sarah’s father decide what to do with that knowledge. Since Felix Decker IS one of the rich and mighty, that course of action might backfire.

There are also the beginnings of the Italian Mob and we even graze homosexuality slightly.

I’m still completely in love with the relationship of Sarah’s parents – with her AND with each other – and how they try to (and ultimately manage to) come to terms with the fact that their high-society daughter is now a midwife, an amateur sleuth and seems to be unseemly fond of an Irish copper. It’s an absolute joy to read and I dearly hope we’ll see more of them.

Yes, I also think it’s a true marvel that these books just don’t get boring, even if there are sixteen (I think) of them already, and that Victoria Thompson is perfectly able to keep the suspense, the mystery and the characters on the same (high) level as in all the books before. Also, the character development she allows her characters to go through is the best written I’ve seen so far. The main point some people are criticizing – that the characters, and especially Sarah and Frank’s romance, develop so slowly it’s positively glacial – is the most perfect thing for me. Plus, I can’t imagine anything changing fast in Victorian society. Not even in America, and surely not in the upper class.

I’m absolutely looking forward to reading all the Gaslight Mysteries I haven’t read yet.


The relationship between Paul, Hugh and Garnet is the cutest thing EVER and I’m positively thrilled that neither of them did anything wrong.

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