Tales of Dark Fantasy & Paranormal Romance

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Click on the 'Look Inside' feature and scroll through the introduction to see book blurbs, covers, and book trailers. Crush by Chrissy Peebles Rae of Hope by W.J. May Eternal Vows by Chrissy Peebles Seventh Mark by W.J. May Kindred by Erica Stevens Awakened by Brenda K. Davies Tuesday’s Child by Dale Mayer Blur by Kristen Middleton The Core by Kate Thomas Enchanted Secrets by Kristen Middleton Captured by Erica Stevens Vampire in Denial by Dale Mayer Plus 3 BONUS books Ravenous by Erica Stevens The Zombie Chronicles by Chrissy Peebles Zombie Games (Origins) by Kristen Middleton As a courtesy, the authors inform you there are some stories with cliffhangers. These are the first books or prequels to individual series. Some stories have been previously published. 15 thrilling stories in one volume These works of fiction are from some of today's most exciting authors. A star-studded anthology of thrilling, action-packed and totally swoon-worthy first books by your favorite fantasy authors.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Verlag:Dark Shadows Publishing

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