Remediation of Chromium-Contaminated Soil: Theory and Practice
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In accordance with the global needs of heavy metal-contaminated site remediation, this book systematically introduces the latest theories and technical achievements of microbial and chemical treatment for the chromium pollution in the chromium slag and chromium-contaminated soil, combined with the author's research achievements over the decades. The book focuses on the biological and chemical behavior of chromium in soil, microbial, and chemical remediation for the chromium-contaminated soil and the cases of chromium-contaminated site remediation project. This book is used by the scientific researchers and engineering technicians engaged in chromium chemical industry and environmental protection. It is also used as a textbook and reference book for graduate students in environmental science and engineering, soil science, chemistry and chemical engineering, and other related fields.
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Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:303 Seiten
Verlag:Springer Singapore