Alle Bücher von Weston Parker

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🎧Audiobook Review🎧
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Performance: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐
Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐

This is my first book by this author and I enjoyed the writing style.
The focus is on Mitch, a daredevil pilot for the Blue Angels. He has great self-confidence and is not afraid to take risks. And he hits it off with the ladies.
And then he meets Samantha, who gets a job on his team as an inspector for the planes. Samantha is hot, smart, and she knows how to stand up to the men in her line of work.
You can feel the attraction between them right away. I loved the battles of words between the two that get heated very quickly. But Samantha actually wanted to play by the rules and not start anything with a team mate.
I liked the theme around the Blue Angels pilots. And there were not only sympathetic main protagonists, but also great secondary protagonists. The story was told in an entertaining and interesting way, the word fights were fun and the relationship between Mitch and Sam was an entertaining up and down.

I enjoyed listening to the audiobook narrated by Conan Kennedy. He did a really good job and I really liked his deep, sexy voice, which I think was a great fit for Mitch. I also really liked the convincing voices Conan gave to the female characters. They were well done and very pleasant to listen to.
I enjoyed the way Conan interpreted the characters with a lot of emotion very much and it made the audiobook a pleasure to listen to.
I received a free review copy of this audiobook and volunteered this honest review.

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