William Mitchell


Bill is a Professor of Economics and is the Director of the Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE) at the University of Newcastle, Australia. He also is the Docent Professor in Global Political Economy at the University of Helsinki and Visiting International Professor, Kyoto University. He is one of the founders of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). He is the author of various books, including Eurozone Dystopia (Elgar, 2015), Reclaiming the State (Pluto, 2017), Macroeconomics - (with L.R. Wray and M. Watts, Bloomberg, 2019). He has published widely in refereed academic journals and books and regularly is invited to give Keynote conference presentations in Australia and abroad. He has an established record in macroeconomics, labour market studies, econometric modelling, regional economics and economic development. He has received regular research grant support from the national competitive grants schemes in Australia and has been an Expert Assessor of International Standing for the Australian Research Council. He has extensive experience as a consultant to the Australian government, trade unions and community organisations, and several international organisations (including the European Commission; the International Labour Organisation and the Asian Development Bank). His daily blog is one of the leading economics blogs in the world.

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

Alle Bücher von William Mitchell

Cover des Buches Modern Monetary Theory (ISBN: 9783944203720)

Modern Monetary Theory

Erschienen am 05.07.2024

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