Winter Renshaw

 3,9 Sterne bei 400 Bewertungen
Autorin von Rixton Falls - Secrets, Heartless und weiteren Büchern.


Der Selfpublisher-Erfolg: Winter Renshaw ist eine US-amerikanische Schriftstellerin, die als Selfpublisherin veröffentlicht. Ihre Werke sind regelmäßig auf dem ersten Platz der Amazon-Charts und an der Spitze der Wall-Street-Journal Bestsellerliste zu finden. Heute lebt sie zusammen mit ihrer Familie und einem Mops weiterhin in den USA.

Alle Bücher von Winter Renshaw

Cover des Buches Rixton Falls - Secrets (ISBN: 9783736314405)

Rixton Falls - Secrets

Erschienen am 30.10.2020
Cover des Buches Heartless (ISBN: 9783736307087)


Erschienen am 26.10.2018
Cover des Buches Fearless (ISBN: 9783736308428)


Erschienen am 28.02.2019
Cover des Buches Rixton Falls - Rules (ISBN: 9783736314641)

Rixton Falls - Rules

Erschienen am 26.02.2021
Cover des Buches Breathless (ISBN: 9783736309821)


Erschienen am 31.07.2019
Cover des Buches Rixton Falls - Goals (ISBN: 9783736314917)

Rixton Falls - Goals

Erschienen am 25.06.2021
Cover des Buches ARROGANT BASTARD (ISBN: B012UQUX58)


Erschienen am 28.07.2015

Neue Rezensionen zu Winter Renshaw

Cover des Buches You or Someone Like You (ISBN: 9781662513367)
fraeulein_lovingbookss avatar

Rezension zu "You or Someone Like You" von Winter Renshaw

You or Someone Like You
fraeulein_lovingbooksvor einem Jahr

About the content

Being an identical twin has its perks, but when my sister asked me to sub in for a date with Roman Bellisario, I wasn’t exactly thrilled. Sure, he’s sinfully handsome and successful, but he also got me fired from my dream job three years ago.
This time, my sister’s promotion is riding on this date, so I have to say yes. And as it turns out, we’re strangely perfect for each other. I sell art. He collects it. We’re both obsessed with the same obscure, mysterious artist that most people don’t even know exists.
Roman is guarded, though, and I can understand why. He’s a widowed single dad. But as one date leads to another, he starts to let me in, and I can’t help but fall for him.
The problem is Roman still thinks I’m my sister. Is our twin swap going to be the best thing that ever happened to me and Roman—or the lie that tears us apart?
(Source: NetGalley)

My opinion

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

When Margoux asks Sloane to show up for her as a stand-in on a blind date, she’s anything but thrilled. But it could help her sister with her career, so Sloane gives herself a push: she transforms into her sister and attends the dinner with Roman. In the end, it’s clear to both of them that there will be no repeat. But they get in the way of the organizer of the blind date, who hears from both of them how great they enjoyed it. Sloane’s fondness for art comes through, but that doesn’t really apply to Margoux at all. Sloane’s dislike for Roman turns to feelings as time and dates go on and eventually she wants to end the charade, but Margoux has her very own plans and not to have the secret revealed…only fate gets in Margoux’s way and Solane seems to have lost Roman.
Sloane is the complete opposite of Margoux, loving art and less fancy clothes. She doesn’t care about her appearance for the most part and would never make a fuss about it like her twin sister does. I found Sloane sympathetic and I just felt sorry for her – she falls in love with Roman and knows exactly what she will do to him with „her“ lies.

Margoux is a bitch. She uses her sister and Roman like pieces on the playing field. The main thing is that she succeeds, no matter how many sacrifices it will cost along the way. She doesn’t care about her sister’s feelings and I couldn’t understand why Sloane let her do that for so long.

Roman is a widower and he loves his two little girls more than anything, but after the death of his beloved wife the world has become gray for him. But always by his side: his aunt, who also takes the girls from him once a week so that he has time for himself at home. Actually, he doesn’t feel like dating at all, especially blind dates, but for his aunt he makes an exception and is pleased that both of them end up having no real interest in each other. Because of his aunt, they continue to spend time together and eventually Roman notices how his world becomes more colorful and friendly again with every word and every minute spent together. But then Sloane becomes more and more distant and desperately wants to meet with him, so he decides to visit her at work. Disaster takes its course…
Roman is not a particularly sympathetic character at first, as he is anything but approachable. But that’s not surprising if you know his story. Gradually, however, he thaws out with Sloane and in the end I also found him sympathetic.

The writing style is kept simple and easy, so that you can read the story without comprehension difficulties. The story is dual POV (Sloane and Roman), which gives a good insight into the respective emotional and mental world.

I enjoyed „You or Someone Like You“ partly because Sloane and Roman’s love story develops slowly. They get to know each other better and better through their dates and messages, and you can tell when each other is falling in love.

3.5 stars

Cover des Buches Heartless (Amato Brothers Book 1) (English Edition) (ISBN: B01JJX16Y2)
leardins avatar

Rezension zu "Heartless (Amato Brothers Book 1) (English Edition)" von Winter Renshaw

Glück und Unglück zu gleich wegen eines Tagebuchs
leardinvor 2 Jahren

Band 1 der Amato-Brothers Reihe

In dem Buch "Heartless" von Winter Renshaw geht es um die Junge-Frau Aidy und den Ex-Baseballspieler Ace Amato.

Aidy findet mitten in New York ein Tagebuch, welches ihr Leben um 180° drehen wird. In dem Tagebuch wird eine tragische Liebesgeschichte von dem Ex-Baseballspieler Ace, einer jungen Frau und einem anderen Mann. Aidy dachte das Tagebuch gehört Ace und wollte es dementsprechend zurückgeben, doch es ist nicht so wie es scheint. Dieses nicht so wie es scheint, führt im späteren Liebesverlauf der Beiden dann zu einem großen Problem. Werden sie dieses Problem zusammen lösen oder bricht alles zugrunde?

Ich kann den ersten Teil jedem wirklich empfehlen. Ich fand den Plottwist zum Tagebuch wirklich gut und unscheinbar, wenn ihr es gelesen habt, werdet ihr es wahrscheinlich verstehen.

Cover des Buches Fearless (ISBN: 9783736308428)
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Rezension zu "Fearless" von Winter Renshaw

Leidenschaft mit dummen Zufällen
leardinvor 2 Jahren

Band 2 der Amato-Brothers Reihe

In dem Buch "Fearless" von Winter Renshaw geht es um die betrogene Mutter Maren Greene und den jungen Charmeur Dante Amato.

Dante Amato stellt Maren Greenes Leben schon nach der ersten Begegnung mehr als auf den Kopf gestellt. Doch er verheimlicht Maren etwas Essenzielles, was am Ende fast alles zum Scheitern bringt.

Ich fand den zweiten Teil der Reihe genau so mega wie den ersten und kann es jeden nur wärmstens empfehlen. 

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