HyperwaveThe New Generation Internet Information System Based on Hyper-G Technology
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Hyper-G is the first of a new generation of Internet information systems. It is fully compatible with current Internet technology and allows seamless access to popular Internet server technologies such as WWW and Gopher. Hyper-G software has recently become available as a commercial product called "HyperWave"; hence the title of the book.§This book explains and illustrates with numerous examples:§+ how to build your own hypermedia server with Hyper-G§+ how to navigate through Hyper-G- and WWW-servers with the native Hyper-G browsers (Harmony and Amadeus)§+ how to use Hyper-G technology with common browsers such as Netscape and Mosaic§600 Megabytes of free Hyper-G software are provided on the accompanying CD, including browsers for UNIX and Windows.