Zachary Ashford

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Alle Bücher von Zachary Ashford

Neue Rezensionen zu Zachary Ashford

Survival in the age of the lizard-men

In a world where lizard-like creatures hunt for human flesh, Cora hast found refuge in the wilderness, where she mourns her lost son, hunts for food and occasionally has to fight an intruding lizard-man. But one day, a couple intrudes into her territory, and Coras quiet days are over. Not only is Darren a violent man, but he seems on the verge of changing into something even more dangerous. Will Cora be able to defend her place against the human threat? This was a short (though IMHO it could have been even more concentrated) and very action-packed story. While it did not exactly reinvent the wheel, it was an entertaining read to enjoy in-between.

(thanks to netgalley, the author, and the publisher for a copy of the book, all opinions are my own)

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