Zagat 2007 America's Top Restaurants
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For almost thirty years, ZAGAT has reported on the shared experiences of diners. Here are the results of the 2007 AMERICA'S TOP RESTAURANTS SURVEY, covering 1,222 restaurants. No matter the economic climate, our appetite for lively dining destinations continues unabated, inspiring ever bolder ventures. For every notable closing, there's another restaurateur waiting in the wings, often joined by an expensive team of architects and designers and ZAGATSURVEY is always there to note the changes. So whether you are looking for the hippest restaurant, where to dine with celebs or find a lunch bargain, the new ZAGATSURVEY 2007 AMERICA'S TOP RESTAURANTS rates and reviews over 1,250 of America's best restaurants. The newest guide delivers ZAGAT'S signature comprehensive coverage, rating each restaurant on appeal, decor, service and cost.