Bücher mit dem Tag "bec"

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7 Bücher

  1. Cover des Buches Eistochter (ISBN: 9783442269457)
    Dawn Rae Miller


    Aktuelle Rezension von: mvlvssv
    ich habe mir durch die Buchbeschreibung etwas anderes erhofft, wodurch ich ein bisschen enttäuscht war, aber die Geschichte ist interessant verfasst und es passiert etwas sehr unverhofftes, was ja eigentlich was gutes ist. Ein offenes Ende, ich weiß nicht ob es einen zweiten Teil gibt, oder ob einer kommt. Habe damals keinen gefunden.
  2. Cover des Buches Death's Shadow (ISBN: 9780007260393)
    Darren Shan

    Death's Shadow

    Aktuelle Rezension von: Cattie

    May contain spoiler of the last books!
    Darren Shan is and always will be one of my favourite authors. I took me a long time to continue in his "Demonata-Series", because I just recently got my hands on a copy of "Death's Shadow", book #7 in the series. I read the books 1-6 in German when I was younger, but they stopped publishing the books in German after that what is really sad. But here I am, having a copy with the good old cover and am happy, because I like Shan's stories so much.

    Grubbs Grady, Kernel Fleck and Bec finally met each other in the last book. Now, Grubbs and Kernel are with Beranabus in the demonata-universe and Bec lives with Derwish, but he only sees Bill-E in her. Someday, they're attacked by werewolfes and under fire can make it to the cellar. When Derwish has a heart attack and demons come through a window in the hospital, Bec has to face the horror of the world she thought she had escaped to save her friends and herself.

    Grubbs will always be my favourite character from the Demonata-series, so I was a little bit sad, that he only appeared so short time in this book.
    Nevertheless, Bec is likeable, too, and she has gone through so much, it must be really hard for her to live with a depressed Derwish now. 
    It was nice to see familiar faces like Meera Flame, Sharmila and Beranabus. Because Bec has a new gift, we learn a lot about Beranabus past, which is very interesting and I can understand his actions a little bit better, now that I know what's behind this old, grumpy man.

    Darren Shan knows exactly what he does. His writing is full of action, tension and bloody facts. Furthermore, he knows how to make his characters worth to be read about and even if this is the seventh book in the series, there is always something new to find out about them, plus new characters are introduced and others have to be left behind. This is life, but it also makes a book interesting and enjoyable. 
    They book may be not a long one, but I think it's better than a longer one with part where you're bored and don't have the feeling you must continue reading.

    I give 4 of 5 windows to the Demonata-Universe for this book. If you haven't read the series yet, give it a try. It's really good. Book #1 is called "Lord Loss" and they're 10 books in total.
    I already have #8, "Wolf Island" at home and I'll read it soon. Review will follow :)
  3. Cover des Buches Wolf Island (ISBN: 9780007260423)
    Darren Shan

    Wolf Island

    Aktuelle Rezension von: Cattie
    Darren Shan has not only wrote book #8 in the Demonata-Series with "Wolf Island", he has also taken another path by concentrating on the werewolfs.

    The curse of the Gradys. Some young Grady's turn into werewolfs. Grubbs has fought fortunately against his inner wolf, but he is a magican. The mayority of the wolfs are given to the the "lambs" who should execute them. After a couple of wolfes have attacked Derwish, Bec and Meera, Grubbs goes after them, because he thinks they are controlled by Lord Loss. Only to find they are vanished along with lamb-leader Prae Athim. Grubbs, Shark, Meera and a group of soldiers are eager to find the wolfes. On an island.

    We see a different side of Grubbs in this book. He gives up his control, to save his friends and companions and finally he feels like he has found his destiny.
    We also get to know Shark better. He is a real soldier with a lot with contacts and wants to fight for the right thing. 
    Derwish is one of my favourite characters aswell, like Grubbs. He has found peace with his situation, but I hope, it is not as hopeless at is seems. There are two books two books and I'm sure he could stand this long. He can't leave Grubbs who has already lost his parents and his sister and his brother. 
    Juni Swan appears in the story. A ugly demon who is Lord Loss's assistant. She seems to look very disgusting and I don't want to see her ever. Hopefully Grubbs can finish her off. He has killed enough people.

    I like that Shan has taken a somewhat another way than with his other Demonata-Books. He focussed on the wolfs instead of the demons. We learn more about them and the lambs which is interesting and gives the story a different turn. The involvement of Juni Swan and the demons makes you wonder how they're connected and keeps the interest in the next two books. Grubbs has fought so long against his inner wolf, and now he has to face him. 
    In the beginning, the story played at the same as book #7, so I wonderd at which time both stories would come one. 

    I give 4 of 5 shots for the book. It is enjoyable as the others and concentrating on Grubbs, my favourite :) I guess, the next book might concentrate on Kernel, because he doesn't appear in this book and we don't know what happend to him. 
  4. Cover des Buches Dark Calling (ISBN: 9780007260454)
    Darren Shan

    Dark Calling

    Aktuelle Rezension von: Cattie
    "Dark Calling" is the 9th book in the Demonata Series by Darren Shan.

    I know it's ridiculous. Lights can't whisper. But I swear I heard a voice calling to me. It sounded like static to begin with, but then it came into focus, a single word repeated over and over. Softly, slyly, seductively, insistently. 
    The Disciples are being manipulated by beings older than time. Only Kernel Fleck knows that something is wrong. But he is in the grip of a creature who cares nothing for the fate of humanity. Voices are calling to him from the darkness and he's powerless to resist. 
    Kernel has already been to hell and back. Now he's about to go further.

    First, I really like this series. I have been a fan of Shan for many years now and have enjoyed this series a lot.

    I was kind of confused when the "beings older than time" appeared. I have always wondered, how the series would end, how everything was linked and what the Kah-Gash was, but I would have never thought about that. It was kind of destroyed my fascination for the demonata and the series, but maybe that is so with every secret revealed.
    Maybe I know too much about the ways of the demonata, about their cruelty and their ways, that it's not as shocking as when I first read "Lord Loss".
    Everything was new and exciting back then, but having experienced throughout 8 books the viciousness of the demons has left marks on me, too.

    I'm fond of many characters, most of all Grubbs and Derwish. I'm sorry for Derwish, but even the people who seem strong can't last forever. 

    I was very excited for how the series would end and now there's only one book left and I don't know if it can satisfy my demands. 
  5. Cover des Buches Elf Leben (ISBN: 9783838726502)
    Mark Watson

    Elf Leben

    Aktuelle Rezension von: TochterAlice
    Xavier hat ein Geheimnis: er lebt mit einer großen Schuld. Diese belastet sein nach außen hin angenehmes Leben als Radiomoderator und Scrabble-Turnierspieler in London. Nach und nach erst eröffnet sich Xaviers Welt: vor allem durch die Kommunikation mit seinen Mitmenschen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart.

    Er und seine nächtliche Sendung stehen im Zentrum des unterhaltsamen Romans, um den sich die restlichen 10 Leben ranken? Aber sind es tatsächlich elf Leben(swege), um die es in diesem Buch geht? Die Darstellung ist durch zahlreiche Rückblenden ein wenig wirr und unübersichtlich. Abgerundet wird dies durch Vorausschauen, die auf Ereignisse verweisen, die irgendwann in der Zukunft der Figuren eine Rolle spielen werden. Sie gemahnen an den wunderschönen Roman "Die Kunst des Lokomotivführens" des Australiers Steven Carroll. Im vorliegenden Roman trägt dieser Erzählstil, obwohl durchaus originell, eher zur Verwirrung bei. Wessen Leben gehört zu den "Elf" dazu? Zahlreiche Figuren aus Xaviers früherem australischen und gegenwärtigen Londoner Leben geben sich quasi die Klinke in die Hand. Diese fehlende klare Struktur und der somit nicht vorhandene rote Faden sind der stringenten Handlung des recht kurzen Romans ausgesprochen abträglich.

    Mein Fazit: Obwohl eigentlich gefällig und nett geschrieben und sowohl von einem gewissen Unterhaltungswert als auch nicht ohne Anspruch, reißt mich dieses Buch nicht vom Hocker. Ich habe den Eindruck, der Autor müsste noch ordentlich üben, bevor er mit seinem Werk in der Öffentlichkeit reüssieren kann. Aber Potential ist durchaus da!
  6. Cover des Buches The Brooklyn Years - Wovon wir träumen (ISBN: 9783736315389)
    Sarina Bowen

    The Brooklyn Years - Wovon wir träumen

    Aktuelle Rezension von: booksforever

    Die Autorin konnte mich auch mit der Geschichte von Nate und Rebecca mitreißen und überzeugen.
    Das Cover ist schlicht und schön, es passt zu den anderen Bänden. Die Charaktere sind toll herausgearbeitet, man kann eine Bindung zu ihnen aufbauen und durch die wechselnden Perspektiven einen Einblick in die Gedanken und Gefühle beider bekommen. Beim Lesen fliegt man nur so durch die Seiten, immer wieder gibt es humorvolle Momente und der Autorin gelingt es, beide Figuren weiterzuentwickeln und die Beziehung authentisch darzustellen.
    Insgesamt konnte mich auch dieser Band der Reihe überzeugen und ich freue mich auf mehr Romane aus New York. Vergebe 4,5 Sterne

  7. Cover des Buches Hell's Heroes (ISBN: 9780007260362)
    Darren Shan

    Hell's Heroes

    Aktuelle Rezension von: Cattie
    "Hell's Heroes" is the final book in the Demonata Series by Darren Shan.

    Beranabus and Dervish are gone. Bec has formed an unholy alliance with Lord Loss. Kernel is blind, held on Earth against his will. Grubbs is mad with grief and spinning out of control. The demons are crossing. The Disciples are falling. The Shadow is waiting. Welcome to the end.

    This book brought out the worst traits of the characters.
    Dervish is dead (okay, that is not all his fault).
    Bec has teamed up with Lord Loss. I never thought she would. She always seemed to hate him like the others did. But somehow Lord Loss seemed kind of pleasant in this book. I never thought I'd say that, but he was quite nice. Near the end, he wasn't that much of a threat after all.
    Kernel is blind. Grubbs, what the hell is wrong with you? 
    I always liked him best, but this was a vicious act and showed his wolfish side once more. Its taking over way faster than everyone expected, especially Grubbs. 

    Chess has always been a big part of the series. I myself don't know any rules or have played a real game other than in a Harry Potter video games, but it was a bit weird, the whole chess board thing, wasn't it?
    I really don't know if I like it or not, if I like this final book or not and if it is a worthy last part. 

    I would have expected something more spectacular from Shan and the series. I wasn't that disappointed, only a bit. 
    I always hope that the books in a series get better with each one, but when I think about it, I would say that the first half was my favourite. 

    I give 4 of 5 stars for this final book. On the one hand, I'm sad the series is over, but on the other hand, it was about time.

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