Bücher mit dem Tag "boarding school"

Hier findest du alle Bücher, die LovelyBooks-Leser*innen mit dem Tag "boarding school" gekennzeichnet haben.

7 Bücher

  1. Cover des Buches Cornelsen Senior English Library - Fiction / Ab 10. Schuljahr - Looking for Alaska (ISBN: 9783060311255)
    John Green

    Cornelsen Senior English Library - Fiction / Ab 10. Schuljahr - Looking for Alaska

    Aktuelle Rezension von: nayezi

    The author's writing style is very good and certain quotes like "People, I thought, wanted security. They couldn't bear the idea of death being a big existing, couldn't bear the thought of their loved ones not existing, and couldn't imagine themselves not existing. I finally decided that people believed in afterlife because they couldn't bear not to" (p. 103 ll. 26-30) struck me as very thought-provoking.

    The main characters are very well developed and fully rounded. Some of the discussions of these were quite amusing as well. Also noteworthy was Miles' knowledge of last words, these were very entertaining (the author also used this to show a part of his personality, as he has been interested in this since he was 12 years old). It helped make the first part of the book very enjoyable to read. 

    (The book is divided into two parts with some sub-chapters, which fits the story very well). 

    At the end of the first part there was a surprising twist which helped to bring out the messages that John Green wanted to convey. That is, among other things, that you can be very strong and overcome hard times if you only believe in yourself. Nevertheless, the second part dragged on while reading and wasn't too exciting either. 

    The book is also about a teenage love story, but it is not the "typical kind" of relationship, but a darker one, which I found refreshing and varied. 

    So overall, it's a great book with nice messages and characters with true personalities. 

    (TW: Depression and dealing with the loss/death of loved ones is addressed).

  2. Cover des Buches Vampire Academy (ISBN: 9780141352497)
    Richelle Mead

    Vampire Academy

    Aktuelle Rezension von: Nicole_Jagusch

    Das dritte Mal gelesen, ich liebe es einfach. Dimitri und Rose sind mein Ein und Alles.

  3. Cover des Buches Wicked (ISBN: 0061350966)
    Gregory Maguire


    Aktuelle Rezension von: Patrick_Rieber

    Ich persönlich mag die Bücher von Gregory Maguire. Sie erlauben mal den Blick von einer anderen Perspektive aus auf eine wohlbekannte Geschichte. Wicked: die Hexen von Oz ist die Alternativgeschichte zum Zauberer von Oz, Dorothy Gales Reise ins Land Oz und vor allem und überhaupt die Geschichte der „bösen“ Hexe des Westens, hier namentlich Elphaba. Der Roman erklärt, wie Elphaba zu der Hexe wurde, als die sie bekannt ist und welche Ereignisse sie zu dieser gemacht haben.

    Wicked ist so vieles auf einmal: Biografie, Drama, Liebesgeschichte, Bericht über einen Regierungswechsel, die daraus hervorgehende Diktatur, die Unterdrückung mancher Schichten, Fantasybuch, teilweise vielleicht sogar ein wenig Krimi oder zumindest Spannungsroman.

    Man lernt – oder zumindest ging es mir so – bei und nach dem Lesen des Buches, dass die Medaille immer zwei Seiten hat und jede davon es wert ist sie zu betrachten. Nur weil eine Version bekannt ist, heißt es nicht automatisch, dass es die einzig Richtige ist.

    Wicked deckt außerdem auch viele offene Fragen auf, wie zum Beispiel, was es mit den verzauberten Schuhen der Hexe des Nordens auf sich hat, warum dieser ein Haus auf den Kopf viel und warum Elphaba überhaupt grün ist.

    (Ganz nebenbei kann ich Dorothy überhaupt nicht mehr leiden und würde ihrer Tante und ihrem Onkel dringend zu strengeren Erziehungsmethoden raten) 

    Ich habe den Roman sehr genossen und durch die ganz eigene Welt Oz, die Gregory Maguire wirklich herrlich umgesetzt und mit Politik, Alltagsleben und allgemeinem Leben angereichert hat, habe ich mich auch gut in eine andere Realität versetzt gefühlt.


    Mein Fazit: Ein Fantasyroman mit tieferem Sinn, den Maguire, aber auch bei anderen seiner Romane einbringt (siehe: Das Tulpenhaus – Bekenntnisse einer hässlichen Stiefschwester)


    Schade ist, dass nur der erste Teil der Wicked-Reihe auf Deutsch erhältlich ist, denn eigentlich geht die Geschichte noch weiter.   

  4. Cover des Buches Emma Brown (ISBN: 9780349116723)
  5. Cover des Buches Moab Is My Washpot (ISBN: 9781616954727)
    Stephen Fry

    Moab Is My Washpot

    Aktuelle Rezension von: SilverRaindrops
    How do you review a memoir? I cannot give a rating to the person that is Stephen Fry, and besides, why would you want to read this book anyway if you don't like him or are at least interested in his life? See. No point in rating the content of this book. There is, however, the not so small matter of the presentation. A chronological approach would certainly be the best idea, but how much should one reveal? Which experience should be described because it holds a deeper meaning, and which is really just of sentimental, but not of any storytelling value? Stephen Fry's biography feels like a fictional biography when you read it, and I don't mean this in the sense of it being believable or not, I mean it in a sense of a chain of linking events being told as one, with a few anecdotes for the humour of it, but otherwise a straight story that keeps the reader wanting to know what happens next. On an emotional level, the storytelling feels real and honest, but while you feel for young Stephen when something bad happens, or are happy for him when something good happens, there is never the fear of getting over-emotional, and thankfully the cringe factor is very low. There are enough incidents where that could have been an issue, yet it is not, and I will give the writing the credit for that. One thing you almost expect from Stephen Fry is that he gets side-tracked with interesting anecdotes or bits of trivia. This happens here as well, plus the occasional rant on a subject close to his heart or some explanations and thoughts on British society, but it always leads back to the story, and the overall story is not lost on the reader. All in all, this is a good book; despite or because of it being a memoir, I don't know. It's well written, and you certainly learn a lot about Stephen Fry. And despite there being some swearing and mentioning of adult things, it never gets disgusting or vulgar, so you can enjoy it for the story, or for the language, or for Stephen, or for all three of those :)
  6. Cover des Buches The Name of the Star (ISBN: B00D5FEV3Y)
    Maureen Johnson

    The Name of the Star

    Aktuelle Rezension von: AnonymerWombat
  7. Cover des Buches Borderliners (ISBN: 0312427115)

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