Anyone Who Had a Heart: My Life and Music

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Burt Bacharach is one of the most celebrated and legendary song-writers of the twentieth century. Throughout his sixty year career he has worked with artists from Dionne Warwick to Dr Dre, Marlene Dietrich to Elvis Costello. Anyone Who Had a Heart is the story of one of the greatest song writers of all time. It traces for the first time in his own words, the life and times of the man who created the music that has become the sound track for the lives of his millions of devoted fans all over the world. Bacharach's songs include: 'Magic Moments' - Perry Como, ' Baby It's You' - The Shirelles / The Beatles, 'Please Stay' - The Drifters / Marc Almond, 'Wishin' and Hopin' - Dionne Warwick / Dusty Springfield / Ani DiFranco, 'Walk On By' - Dionne Warwick / The Stranglers, 'I Just Don't Know What to Do with Myself' - Dusty Springfield / The White Stripes, '(There's) Always Something There to Remind Me' - Sandie Shaw, 'A Message to Martha' - Adam Faith, 'What's New Pussycat?' - Tom Jones, 'Trains and Boats and Planes' - Billy J. Kramer & the Dakotas, 'Alfie' - Cilla Black / Cher / Rumer, 'I Say a Little Prayer' - Dionne Warwick / Aretha Franklin, 'Do You Know the Way to San Jose?' - Dionne Warwick, 'Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head' - B.J. Thomas / Sacha Distel / Johnny Mathis, 'I'll Never Fall in Love Again' - Bobby Gentry, 'Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do)' - Burt Bacharach / Barry Manilow / Shirley Bassey.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:435 Seiten
Verlag:Atlantic Books

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