Johnny Graphic and the Attack of the Zombies (Johnny Graphic Adventures Book 2)

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The Pulse-Pounding Sequel to Johnny Graphic and the Etheric Bomb... Fresh from saving the lives of millions of people, Johnny Graphic and his friends are drawn into another rip-roaring ghost adventure. This time an army of monstrous bog zombies has appeared out of nowhere to ravage the northern counties of the Royal Kingdom. They’re rampaging, burning, and smashing everything in sight. And they're capturing kids for reasons too terrible to even contemplate. Johnny, his best friend Nina Bain, and his sister Mel are summoned to help defeat the evil genius thought to be behind this nefarious plot. Percy Rathbone! The very same ghost who created the etheric bomb. Who nearly destroyed Johnny's hometown. And who was the last person to see Johnny's parents before they disappeared. Cut off from all help in the grim, foggy northern wilderness, the young news photographer and his companions must fight for their very survival while they try to rescue the kids who have been taken. But Percy is plotting an even greater horror. And Johnny has to stop him before it’s too late. The fate of the Royal Kingdom depends on it.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:320 Seiten
Verlag:Conger Road Press

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