Buchreihe: The Gower Street Detective von M.R.C. Kasasian

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4 Bücher
  1. Band 1: The Mangle Street Murders (The Gower Street Detective Series Book 1)

    Erscheinungsdatum: 01.11.2013
    Gower Street, London, 1882. Sidney Grice, London's most famous personal detective, is expecting a visitor. He drains his fifth pot of morning tea, and glances outside, where a young, plain woman picks her way between the piles of horse-dung towards his front door. Sidney Grice shudders. For heaven's sake - she is wearing brown shoes. Set between the refined buildings of Victorian Bloomsbury and the stinking streets of London's East End, THE MANGLE STREET MURDERS is for those who like their crime original, atmospheric, and very, very funny. THE GOWER DETECTIVE SERIES: The Mangle Street Murders. The Curse of the House of Foskett. Death Descends on Saturn Villa.
  2. Band 2: The Curse of the House of Foskett (The Gower Street Detective Series Book 2)

    Erscheinungsdatum: 05.06.2014
    125 Gower Street, 1882. Sidney Grice once had a reputation as London's most perspicacious personal detective. But since his last case led an innocent men to the gallows, business has been light. Listless and depressed, Grice has taken to lying in the bath for hours, emerging in the evenings for a little dry toast and a lot of tea. Usually a voracious reader, he will pick up neither book nor newspaper. He has not even gathered the strength to re-insert his glass eye. His ward, March Middleton, has been left to dine alone. Then an eccentric member of a Final Death Society has the temerity to die on his study floor. Finaly Sidney and March have an investigation to mount - an investigation that will draw them to an eerie house in Kew, and the mysterious Baroness Foskett... THE GOWER DETECTIVE SERIES: The Mangle Street Murders. The Curse of the House of Foskett. Death Descends on Saturn Villa.
  3. Band 3: Death Descends On Saturn Villa (The Gower Street Detective Series Book 3)

    Erscheinungsdatum: 04.06.2015
    London: 1883. Sidney Grice is London's foremost personal detective. Called away to Yorkshire, he leaves his ward, March Middleton, to run his house. But hearth and home hold little charm for March, who harbours dreams of becoming London's foremost, and first, lady detective. So, when a mysterious letter arrives from her long-lost uncle, she accepts his invitation to stay at the palatial Saturn Villa. Her new Uncle Tolly is sweet, eccentric and – come the morning – very, very dead. But March is not called upon to solve the case, instead she's in the frame for murder. THE GOWER STREET DETECTIVE SERIES: The Mangle Street Murders. The Curse of the House of Foskett. Death Descends on Saturn Villa.
  4. Band 4: The Secrets of Gaslight Lane (The Gower Street Detective Series)

    Erscheinungsdatum: 01.12.2016
    London, 1883: All is quiet at 125 Gower Street. Sidney Grice is swotting up on the anatomical structure of human hair whilst his ward, March Middleton, sneaks upstairs for her eighth secret cigarette of the day. The household is, perhaps, too quiet. So, when a beautiful young woman turns up at the door, imploring London's foremost personal detective to solve the mystery of her father's murder, Grice can barely disguise his glee. Mr Nathan Garstang was found slaughtered in his bed, but there is no trace of a weapon or intruder. A classic locked-room case. But what piques Grice's interest is the crime's link to one of London's most notorious unsolved murders...
Über M.R.C. Kasasian
Mörder und Dedektive: Martin R. C. Kasasian, geboren in Lancashire, ist ein britischer Schriftsteller. Er arbeitete viele Jahre in Fabriken, ...
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